Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Leadership Advisors LLC

CRMA’s partner company, Strategic Leadership Advisors LLC releases the new book Flip This Risk® for Enterprise Security: Industry Experts Share Their Insights About Enterprise Security Management Risks for Organizations in paperback and eBook. “This new book represents a diversity of voices in an area that is underrepresented,” says Dr. Karen Hardy, the visionary behind the new Flip This Risk® Book series.  “The risk management profession needs to expand the number and variety of perspectives when it comes to building a body of literature that supports the field,” she explained.

Dr. Hardy is an award-winning author who has written and contributed to over 12 books (including three textbooks) in business, leadership, personal development and risk management. She is dedicated to the growth of the risk management industry and expressed enthusiasm about forging ahead with this new mission in a booming industry. But despite her own success, she believes more can be done.

According to Dr. Hardy, the goal of the Flip This Risk® Book series is to tackle both of these issues simultaneously, while also creating a platform where executives can engage in creative, written expression that strengthens the industry literature. “We are changing the way we view learning risk management. We are incorporating storytelling into our books to help convey critical expertise. This will also make the content more relatable and draw people into the work that we do,” she says.

Flip This Risk® for Enterprise Security features several women authors at the top of their professional game in the security management field.  They are Bridget Guerrero, Rachael Tovey, Barrie Burren, Candace McCabe, Daniella Bove LaMonica, Sonia Travi Knowles, RitaBeth Crague, and Sherry Tucci.

“Enterprise Security is one of many types of risk organizations manage,” says Hardy. “The pandemic introduced both opportunities and challenges for the field. There has never been a better time to look to the industry’s thought leaders for insights, guidance, and clarity.”

Short, Snackable Learning: The book is delivered in eight “snackable” chapters, a strategy that supports the brand’s goal of creating short, eco-friendly books that simplify complex topics.

Highlights include:

  • tips for enhancing your organization’s ability to be resilient when facing adversity;
  • key steps to business continuity planning;
  • a summary of essential roles for effective executive protection; and
  • a checklist for travel and security.

“This book is perfect for individual micro-learning and team training. You can literally read through the entire book non-stop in less than 90 minutes!” says Hardy.

Purchase on Amazon: You can purchase the book here on Amazon.
Listen to our Podcast: You can listen to upcoming podcast interviews with the authors here.