Quality Assurance

CRMA believes that delivering excellence, through well-designed, effectively delivered and assessed programs, is key to our growth and success. To achieve this, we built on the Quality Framework of the University of Durham.


Academic Standards are the level of academic achievement that must be attained in order for a candidate to gain an award or be awarded credit.

Quality Assurance is the process of ensuring that the quality of learning opportunities is appropriate to enable candidates to meet the standards of the award for which they are studying.

Quality Enhancement is the process of using strategy, systems and information to improve the quality of the learning experience.


CRMA’s quality management framework is based on the following principles:

  • CRMA is responsible for the academic quality and standards of all awards made in its name.
  • In exercising that responsibility CRMA will ensure that its academic standards are in line with comparable institutions, and, where appropriate, the Continuing Professional Development credit requirements of relevant Professional Associations.
  • CRMA is responsible for assuring itself that the quality of the learning opportunities provided for its candidates, enable them to meet the standards of the awards for which they are studying.
  • CRMA is responsible for enhancing the quality of the learning experience by reviewing its systems and the information generated by them to enhance the quality of the learning experience.
  • CRMA’s processes for the management of academic quality and standards should be fit for purpose in a professional learning institution, and aligned with standards required by Caribbean accreditation bodies.
  • All levels of CRMA’s processes for managing academic quality and standards should actively engage candidates in the assurance and enhancement of academic quality.


CRMA’s academic standards are assured by:

  • a framework that defines the academic standards of each type of award made by CRMA. All CRMA awards must be aligned with the relevant qualification descriptor, level descriptor and generic assessment criteria, and all operate within regulations that govern candidate progression and the making and classification of awards;
  • procedures for the approval of new programs and modules that consider all proposals against CRMA’s framework for academic standards, and where all such proposals are subject to consideration by subject specialists external to CRMA;
  • a robust external examiner system, whereby external examiners are asked to confirm that academic standards are consistent with academic standards at comparable institutions;
  • an annual review of taught programs which includes the consideration of management information on candidate progression and achievement;
  • an annual review of research degree programs which includes the consideration of management information on research candidate progression and achievement.


In order to assure the quality of learning and teaching, CRMA has in place a range of quality assurance mechanisms:

  • initial professional development for all newly-appointed associates involved in the delivery of learning which ensure that they are appropriately prepared and can demonstrate that they have the relevant competencies;
  • processes for the recruitment of associates who will deliver learning and teaching make appropriate provision to consider the ability of applicants to deliver learning and teaching;
  • a program approval process that requires full consideration of all aspects of the learning opportunities to be provided in proposed new programs, and which incorporates the views of an appropriate external subject specialist;
  • the involvement of candidates in CRMA’s quality assurance processes (for example through the use of evaluation questionnaires, and candidate involvement in annual and periodic reviews);
  • a periodic review process that considers the support made available to candidates, both to assure quality and to identify good practice and areas for improvement;
  • consideration of a range of quantitative and qualitative management information relating to the quality of learning opportunities provided by CRMA.


In order to enhance the quality of the student learning experience, CRMA:

  • incorporates enhancement of the candidate experience within its Strategy, and ensures effective implementation through a clear process of annual action planning and reporting;
  • provides all newly appointed associates involved in the delivery of learning and teaching with professional development programs that enhance their teaching practice and ensure that they are appropriately prepared for their roles and can demonstrate that they have the relevant competencies.
  • provides associates involved in the delivery of learning and teaching development opportunities that develop their practice and further their professional development;
  • provides associates with a mechanism regularly to reflect on the effectiveness and development of their teaching practice through a review process.
  • considers a range of quantitative and qualitative management information relating to the candidate learning experience, in order to identify opportunities to enhance the quality of learning opportunities provided.


Responsibilities – CRMA recognizes that the responsibility for academic quality and standards is a shared one, between those with formal accountability for academic quality and standards and all staff engaged in the delivery and support of learning and teaching. The quality management framework is therefore based on the following shared understanding of the roles and responsibilities.


All staff involved in the delivery and support of learning and teaching:

  • reflect on the effectiveness of their practice and the ways in which this might be enhanced (for example, on the basis of the day-to-day observation of the impact of teaching). This will include consideration of their practice in relation to their role in learning and teaching as part of their performance review;
  • where appropriate, consult with candidates prior to or following a change being made (for example, through informal discussions with candidates);
  • evaluate the effectiveness of changes (for example by checking in a subsequent session, via peer observation or as part of regular module evaluation), and (where appropriate) where these have been effective to disseminate this (for example within CRMA via associate development workshops/learning and teaching fora);
  • share and discuss practice with colleagues through processes such as mentoring, and peer observation of teaching and participation in co-facilitation teams.


  • recommends policies, procedures and regulations designed to ensure that the academic quality and standards of program are assured, and that systematic steps are taken to enhance the quality of learning opportunities offered;
  • considers the outcomes of the implementation of all policies and procedures for managing academic quality and standards, in order to inform the development of learning and teaching, strategy, policies and procedures;
  • regularly reviews the implementation of CRMA’s policies and procedures for managing academic quality and standards, in order to assure that these are fit for purpose and, where appropriate, make recommendations for the enhancement of these policies and procedures.


  • a clear framework for academic standards is in place, which ensures consistency in the academic standards in relation national and international frameworks, and comparable organizations.
  • appropriate policies and procedures are in place to both assure and enhance the quality of learning opportunities within CRMA’s programs;
  • oversees the effective implementation by the Academic Board of all policies and procedures for managing academic quality and standards.