About Us

The Caribbean Risk Management Academy (CRMA) and its affiliate, the Trinidad and Tobago Risk Management Institute (TTRMI, www.ttrmi.com), were formed in response to a tremendous need for risk management training identified during management consulting projects throughout the Caribbean. The CRMA and TTRMI therefore advocate for proactive and anticipatory risk management. At CRMA we train leaders and senior management on horizon scanning to identify emerging risks; taking risk management beyond business continuity, disaster risk response management or finance and credit risk management towards Strategic and Enterprise Risk approaches.

CRMA’s Founder and President, Ken Hackshaw, returning to the Caribbean following years in Risk Management on Wall Street and in London, first established KHBC Limited, a management consulting firm in 2010 and subsequently the Caribbean Risk Management Academy (CRMA) in 2020. CRMA aims to be the Caribbean’s leading enterprise-wide risk management education and training institution providing the tools necessary for Caribbean organizations to be more risk intelligent, competitive, innovative and productive.

CRMA possesses global experience and training with local insight. We develop relevant research and learning materials to help our regional entities in adjusting to social, environmental, technology or regulatory changes and innovating to create new competitive spaces. The CRMA brings:

  • Accessibility to best practices and methodologies in Operational Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Management (including ISO 31000/COSO), Business Process Re-engineering, Compliance, Business Continuity and other disciplines
  • Over twenty years of experience working in and with organizations in the United States, Canada and Europe in the Risk Management and Business Reengineering field.

A Word from the Founder and President


Organizations implementing risk management frameworks and governance typically go one of two ways, neither of which are optimal. They make it too complex, and there’s no buy-in. Or they make it too simple, and there’s no growth and momentum. But risk management isn’t a liability or sunk cost.  If you shift your mindset, it can be seen as an asset that accrues value over time. With this knowledge, we design flexible and innovative risk management and governance frameworks that decision makers, regionally, can leverage to achieve enterprise-wide transformational goals while strengthening business resilience.

We are passionate about cultivating, understanding and sharing our expertise, we seamlessly align risk management with your corporate objectives while catering to the volatile, dynamic nature of risk. Our methodology is user-friendly, balanced to regulatory and statutory standards, and demands fewer resources for greater returns. If you are ready to rethink risk in your organization and use its potential to your competitive advantage, schedule a call. We will work with you to identify opportunities to enhance your Enterprise Risk Management approach, and a high-level ERM roadmap.