Uncertainty… Can it be your greatest source of Opportunity?

“Traditional managers rely on calculated cleverness to avoid risks. The successful managers, however, embrace calculated risks, backed by their cleverness.” — Matt Watkinson (Mastering Uncertainty)

Welcome, my friends, to the first full working week of 2025.

As Francis Bacon wisely wrote over 400 years ago, “If a man (or woman) will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he is content with doubts, he shall end in certainties.”

Building on this idea, I believe that thriving in today’s uncertain, chaotic, and complex environment requires a shift in mindset. To not only survive but to truly thrive, we must embrace uncertainty/ambiguity and take thoughtful risks. Yet, in the midst of uncertainty, resilience remains key.

To help each of us reflect on the kind of risk-taking professional or manager we are, I invite you to take just two minutes to complete the brief anonymous survey linked below. The results will be shared once all responses are collected.


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