
The Value Proposition of ERM: Tangibles and Intangibles

Good day folks,

The “value” of Enterprise Risk Management continues to be discussed and debated in the hallways/board rooms/schools. As a risk management consultant and lecturer, it is a question I am always asked, so much so that I often refer to myself (my companies) as not only risk practitioners but also risk sales managers.

To that end, North Carolina State: Poole College of Management (a leading educator/research institute in the ERM space) researched and prepared a “paper” on the value proposition of ERM, with case studies. I, therefore, thought it incumbent, to share this “research paper” with you. Please see the link below. However, please note this paper was completed in 2019, and given Covid and other negative massive disruptions we have experienced since, added to the hyperconnected and VUCA environment we now operate within, adds even more importance, relevance, and applicability of ERM.

As with most risk management publications, I may disagree with some aspects of what is presented but the value proposition enunciated here is spot on.

And for those leaders/decision makers, still, on the fence as to why your employees MUST become more risk intelligent or why deploy ERM, I hope the attached alleviates and addresses some of that angst.


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