
Solar Storms: A Risk Event?

Given the possible impact/effects of a Solar Storm that parts of the world are experiencing, especially in parts of the United States, including my home state of Florida, should these be considered part of your business impact analysis (BIA) as a larger part of your Business Continuity plans and your enterprise risk management framework? (low probability/high impact)

Given the impact of these events on power grids and communications, what about the Disaster Risk Management/Reduction framework at the national/Government level?

Though forecasters are working with operators to minimize the impact, the storm could affect the power grid as well as satellite and high-frequency radio communications. The Biden administration is monitoring the possibility of impacts, a White House official said.”..CNN

As my colleague, Dr. Warren Black (a keynote speaker at our upcoming risk management conference in Jamaica) warns:

Attempting to predict, measure & plan for specific threats is a particularly vulnerable way of building up one’s resilience to complex disruptive phenomena such as global weather patterns. The complexity sciences suggest there is far too much irrationality & unpredictability in play to accurately plan for specific scenarios with any genuine level of consistency. Yes some scenarios are obvious and quantifiable, but many more are not.”

Stay Proactive, anticipatory, and resilient, my friends: 

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