
Moving Beyond the “ROBOTICS” of Risk Management

As you prepare to face the week ahead (professionally and personally), I would like to take a small point of privilege and respectfully suggest that effective and modern risk management is not, cannot be, just the methodologies, the standards, or the processes.

Modern risk management is not a stand-alone process or a “fait accompli.” Much more is needed to reach the end state of effective risk management in this most uncertain, disruptive, risk-prone environment.

I want you/your organization to please consider the following:

  • Risk Culture building
  • Embracing uncertainty
  • Chaos exists: Now what?
  • Building Resilience in leadership and Operations (as part of your overall risk management framework)
  • Using more risk-based forecasting and strategic planning
  • Cyber risk is morphing
  • AI exists; get on board.

What is your ultimate objective/goal in having risk management? 

CRMA’s upcoming risk management conference on July 25 in Jamaica will cover these topics and more. Registration is open…

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