
ESG Risk: It’s Real and Being Deployed, Managed and Regulated: Ask Canada!

ESG is real:ESG is a system used to measure the sustainability of a company or investment in three specific categories: environmental, social, and governance

As the below article describes, Canada, our North American neighbor (and former fellow commonwealth neighbor) has now mandated that banks and insurance companies report on climate risk exposures of their clients. BUT:”While the rules do not yet apply to other companies, OSFI will also expect the financial institutions to collect and assess information on climate risks and emissions from their clients”…How far off are similar regulations for the Caribbean institutions/Governments?

Newton’s FIRST law of motion states: An object at rest stays at rest until some external force (regulations/war/pandemic/bad actors) intervenes or is introduced. 

In 2022 and beyond, “your resting level” should be significantly curtailed, I respectfully suggest.


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