
Power Grid Attacks: Are We Concerned Yet?

“Just three days before two electrical substations were shot up, causing tens of thousands of customers to lose power in North Carolina, the federal Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin warning “lone offenders and small groups” could be plotting attacks and that the nation’s critical infrastructure was among the possible targets”… ABC News (USA) The…


The Value Proposition of ERM: Tangibles and Intangibles

Good day folks, The “value” of Enterprise Risk Management continues to be discussed and debated in the hallways/board rooms/schools. As a risk management consultant and lecturer, it is a question I am always asked, so much so that I often refer to myself (my companies) as not only risk practitioners but also risk sales managers….


Your Risk Management Framework May Be Obsolete

Welcome to a new work week, my friends: Most of us will agree that our working world today and in the future is significantly more complex, volatile, chaotic dynamic, and disruptive than at any other time in our working lives. However, despite the many escalations in systemic risks, massive negative disruptions, and volatility in the environment,…

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A New Variant Discovered: Maybe Leaders Should Be Looking at People’s Resilience Under Pressure

If the one of the greatest risks to any organization is their people (decision makers/employee) risk, why then are we not putting more emphasis on mitigating that risk, especially given the new construct of employee engagement deployed because of and during the pandemic. Think: WFH, hybrid work hours, stress management etc.


Game Changing Conference

A road map for reigniting growth and innovation in Caribbean economies, the CRMA Conference 2020 was successfully delivered by the Caribbean Risk Management Academy on Thursday 19th November 2020. This game changing conference titled: “Risk Management 4.0 – Constructively Disrupting Caribbean Economies for a Sustainable Future” was the first virtual conference hosted by the Academy….