Performance, Resilience and Agility Must be the New Construct

The “silver lining” of the Covid-19 crisis is the new insights that have emerged to aid organizations in transforming for stronger performance through effective risk management. Risk programs must become more closely aligned with resilience and strategic objectives, so that businesses will be better prepared to respond quickly to the next crisis. Meanwhile, as the…

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A New Variant Discovered: Maybe Leaders Should Be Looking at People’s Resilience Under Pressure

If the one of the greatest risks to any organization is their people (decision makers/employee) risk, why then are we not putting more emphasis on mitigating that risk, especially given the new construct of employee engagement deployed because of and during the pandemic. Think: WFH, hybrid work hours, stress management etc.


The Role of Human Behaviour in Effective Risk Management

The ISO 31000 risk management standard and the NIST Cybersecurity frameworks among others, have adopted new guidance that suggest considerations into behavioral factors must be included and considered during risk assessments. Human behavior is identified as the weakest link in risk management and security. Human factor risks will continue to increase in the fast-paced digital…


Leadership and Accountability Case Study: People Risk Management

Demonstrating the management ethos that contributed to his recent induction as a Fellow of the Caribbean Risk Management Academy, the Minister of Public Utilities in Trinidad and Tobago identifies and prepares to act regarding the people risks at the organizations within his portfolio. Visit the website to read the full story published in the Trinidad…