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A New Variant Discovered: Maybe Leaders Should Be Looking at People’s Resilience Under Pressure

The perception of risk is a social process. Each culture (e.g.Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad?) is biased towards highlighting certain risks and downplaying others. The same principle may hold true for leaders.

Dr. Penny Moyle, former CEO at psychometrics company OPP Ltd., has made the study of personality her main interest. 

“What is clear is that people don’t just develop new traits when they come under pressure; existing ones get magnified. The problem is, companies don’t often produce an emotional map of jobs. They’re very good at producing job descriptions, but not emotional ones. Bosses should be looking at people’s resilience under pressure.”

If one of the greatest risks to any organization is their people (decision makers/employee) risk, why then are we not putting more emphasis on mitigating that risk, especially given the new construct of employee engagement deployed because of and during the pandemic. Think: WFH (Work From Home), hybrid work hours, stress management etc.

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