We’re Working and Living in a “Never Normal” World

Hello folks,

We now find ourselves living and working with a pace of change, unpredictability, degree of uncertainty, and interconnectedness of risks and events that have transformed our environment.
And if you throw in the continuous evolution and revolution of AI, that rate of change is going to move even faster.

So what should you be doing to keep pace with the rate of change? Consider the following:

  • Do not become complacent or comfortable
  • Acknowledge that with any change in technology, process, regulations (or lack of), or people, your risk exposures change
  • Adjust/amend/ your risk profile and risk appetite accordingly
  • Stay proactive and anticipatory
  • You are never too big or small to fail
  • Upskill, un-learn, and learn to apply new system thinking
  • More Strategic foresight

And because we now operate in a risk-prone environment, you must start building a shock-absorbing organisation.

Remember Newton’s law of motion?

An object at rest stays at rest until it is kicked in the butt (paraphrased)

Watch this space…

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